Resourceful Programs in Illinois for ELL Students

With an approximate ELL enrollment of 9.2% among grades K-12, Illinois has 190,172 English Language Learners in the state public school system as of years 2012-2013. 80% of ELL students in Illinois speak Spanish, with Arabic, Polish, Chinese, and Urdu making up the majority of the most common languages spoken by these families, in that order.

The following is a list of useful resources and programs for ELL students living in Illinois.

State of Illinois Informational Resources:
  •  Illinois State Board of Education:
  • ELL Support Page:
  • WIDA English Language Development Standards – WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) is an organization comprised of a number of different states throughout the country dedicated to raising the standards of bilingual education policies and monitoring the progress and development of ELL’s in the United States:
  • Illinois State Board Learning Standards Assessments:
  • Title III Information:
Educational Programs and Learning Resources:
  • Illinois Board of Education Parent Resources:
  • ITBE (Illinois Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages: Bilingual Education) – An organization comprised of teachers, students, parents, administrators, researchers, curriculum developers, and others within the community dedicated to promoting quality bilingual education through research and instruction in the teaching of English Language Learners:
  • Latinos Progresando – A non-profit based in Chicago dedicated to the cause of serving immigrants with low-cost legal immigration services and access to quality educational resources:
  • The Latino Family Literacy Project – A program that teaches parents how to read with their children, establish a reading routine, and promote learning of the English vocabulary together as a family.
  • The Latino Family Literacy Project 2016 Workshops (Illinois):
  • Family Phonics Workbooks: An English vocabulary program for parents and children learning English that uses a simple method to teach parents strong English vocabulary and proper pronunciation through the use of phonics:

