The Power of Positive Words from Parents

The Power of Positive Words from Parents

The power of positive words from parents cannot be underestimated.

The majority of people know that the most successful people in life almost always attribute their success to the support and positivity they received from their parents.

The article “The Power of a Parent’s Words” says that when parents correct their kids, they should not only mention what they did wrong but should also emphasize the new mindset they would like to see more of.

When parents see their child being hateful towards another child, it’s good to say things like “how do you think this makes the other person feel,” “be kind” or “what do you think will make him or her happy?” It also says that a child with certain attributes, like self-control, kindness or tolerance, says different things to him or herself, as opposed to a child who doesn’t show these traits. When parents guide their children in this way, it’s helping to write their internal script, adds the article.

Immigrant parents often face bigger hurdles in raising their kids. Along with using positive words, the article “Raising Children to Be Proud of Their Roots by Encouraging Latino Culture at Home” says that to build a strong sense of self, parents of kids who have immigrated here should also stress the importance of being proud of who they are and the country where they have come from.

A terrific way to assist Latino kids is not only through the power of positive words but through the power of books, says the article “Best Children’s Books to Build Self Esteem.” A well-written book, targeted to the age of a child, can help both in building a good self-image and an ESL child’s literacy skills too. The Latino Family Literacy Project offers a program that educates and helps parents in establishing an at-home reading program. Teachers can attend a half-day program training at a workshop near them or view an online webinar for program training.