Program Survey Results with Trained Providers

Program Survey Results with Trained Providers

We recently asked Trained Providers to take a survey about our programs. The survey included questions about the trainer, the curriculum, the books and other materials used by providers.

Program Survey Results with Trained Providers

The Workshop
100% of the respondents said they enjoyed the training, that it was thorough and prepared them to offer the program to parents. Participants in the survey said the training was “very inspirational” and the books used in the programs were “awesome.”

They loved the training!

“I got to learn about ways to reach some of my parents that I had not thought of and many others. I love it and it’s a great way to get acquainted to our parents and help them learn how to help their children.”

“The training was short and sweet and provided me the tools I needed to begin implementation of this program at the district-wide level.”

College Awareness Program
Respondents said that 80% of the parents in the College Awareness program wanted to buy the book after the 10-week sessions were over.

Graciela’s Dream: One Family’s Journey to College

“[Parents] loved doing this book in the middle school. They felt that this will help them to begin thinking about college for their children.”

The Curriculum
Over 90% of the survey participants said that the curriculum binders were complete and to their satisfaction.

Binders are very user friendly and transformative!

“I felt the program was outstanding and really made a difference in the lives of our families.”

“I have seen how effective it is in helping parents establish a home reading routine, build parent leadership skills, and get parents more involved in their children’s learning and school governance opportunities.”

Program Books
100% of survey participants felt that the quality of the program books were up to professional standards and many felt that parents were able to connect and relate with the books.

Books made meaningful connections with parents!

“The parents cared about the content of the books, it was relevant and they felt like they could relate to the stories and pictures.”

“[Parents] LOVED that they were all in English and Spanish. They enjoyed reading it in Spanish and then trying in English too!”

“All [the books] brought very rich conversations to our group.”

We want to thank everyone who took the survey for their time!