Family Literacy PD (Professional Development) – Why it’s Essential

Professional Development (PD) is one of the most effective strategies that school districts can utilize to ensure that they have the most qualified teachers possible to provide instruction to their students.  PD is an essential classroom component, which ensures academic success of students. Furthermore, PD is essential for teachers who serve English Language Learners (ELLs), as ELLs face unique challenges in learning, developing, and mastering academic skills.  Therefore, teachers need to learn how to meet those goals.

In order for teachers to help their ELL students meet their academic standards, schools need to invest in PD.  Effective PD programs suggest efficient curriculum with set standards and outcomes.  Additionally, these PD programs provide teachers with tools, strategies, and best practices to utilize when working with ELLs.

Specifically, PD that focuses on family literacy is essential because it can help teachers prepare themselves to create and promote family literacy initiatives in the school and home settings.  Teachers must learn the following in PD trainings:

  • Create engagement opportunities for parents and students to read together.
  • Create opportunities for families to learn language and content from each other through purposeful and carefully structured events and tasks.
  • Craft assignments that amplify and enrich families’ opportunities for reading, discussion, and comprehension.
  • Utilize assets of diversity by understanding their students’ home language skills, as well as their culture, experiences, and background knowledge.

Teachers who are interested in learning as much as possible about working effectively with ELL students and promoting family literacy should take a look at The Latino Family Literacy Project’s website.  The Project offers webinars and workshops to train school leaders and teachers on best practices when working with ELL students and their families.

Family Literacy PD (Professional Development) – Why it’s Essential