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Bilingual STEM

Parent engagement is the number one predictor of early literacy success and academic achievement. Research shows that reading daily to young children stimulates early brain development and helps build key language, literacy, and social skills. For English Learners this is even more important as their parents are often speaking and reading in Spanish while their children are learning in English.

STEM stands from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This term is used to group together these four academic disciplines. STEM education is important because all four disciplines are prevalent in all aspects of our lives.

STEM education is thought to bridge gender and ethnic gaps that are oftentimes found within the fields of science and math. National and local organizations should come together to increase the access of under-represented youth. This can be done by developing, sharing, and evaluating effective ways to foster family engagement in STEM experiences, as well as improving STEM schools and increasing community learning experiences.

Lectura Books has created bilingual STEM activities as a way for Spanish-speaking parents to learn about STEM. The activities can be used in a classroom with kids, in a childcare program or after school program, or with parents. A strong focus is also to build ESL vocabulary with parents and kids.

When you purchase the Preschool / Kindergarten level of 9 books, you will receive the FREE downloadable bilingual STEM activities.

When you purchase the Elementary level book set of 15 books, you will receive the FREE downloadable bilingual STEM activities.

Bilingual STEM