Bilingual Books Foster ELL Family Communication

Family is at the heart of the Latino community. These bonds with family go beyond just their parents and siblings, and often include uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and even godparents. A common experience in the immigrant Latino community is that language in the same family can change drastically, creating some challenges in communication. Kids are learning English daily at school, and at a much faster rate than their own parents. Kids are also becoming bicultural at a faster rate than their parents, too.

For some, these changes can create a rift in communication or a disconnect, leaving kids wondering where they fit in. There are some things that teachers can do to help to foster connection between parents and their children in the school setting. Providing bilingual books in Spanish and English will help to facilitate the connection between parents and elders, and the next generation. Parents can read in Spanish and kids can read in English.

Lectura Books publishes award-winning bilingual children’s books to help to promote the love of reading, while affirming cultural experiences and fostering relationships. Many of the bilingual books have received national and international book awards and very positive reviews. Teachers, librarians, and book critics LOVE our books!

The Latino Family Literacy Project are experts in teacher training and curriculum for parent involvement throughout the United States. If you are an educator, plan on attending a convenient online webinar, for program training. Once trained, you will then provide a step-by-step family reading program for Spanish-speaking parents at your school. Programs will enhance Spanish and English Language Development and the love of reading between both parents and kids!

The Preschool picture books help parents teach preschool skills such as colors, numbers, letters, feelings, and new vocabulary, so they will enter school with strong skills.

The Elementary book collection focuses on strong reading skills and vocabulary and includes a vocabulary review in the back of each Elementary level book.

The Shark That Taught Me English

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Family Stories

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Letters Forever

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The Flores Family Café

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