Research on School Readiness with Hispanic Kids

Research on School Readiness with Hispanic Kids

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School readiness is a phrase that is used to illustrate the physical, social, and intellectual readiness of young kids at the start of formal education, which is usually at kindergarten.  Some researchers have pinpointed certain questions that can be asked to determine school readiness. Despite there being ample research on school readiness, little research has been conducted on school readiness with Hispanic kids.  Below, we will share some of the research that we encountered.

School Readiness of Asian and Hispanic Students

The article titled, “Preschool and Academic School Readiness Among Young Children of Asian and Hispanic Immigrant Mothers,” by RaeHyuck Lee discusses the “developmental context” that aide children of immigrant parents succeed in academics and beyond.  Lee researched the association between school readiness and Asian and Hispanic children. The study found that preschool and kindergarten does indeed prepare these children for future successes, but typically Asian children performed better and retained more information than Hispanic children, as a result of home life.

Home Environments Impact on School Readiness

The article titled, “Home Environments and Young Latino Children’s School Readiness,” by Jo Ann M. Farver, Yijuan Xu, Stefanie Eppe, and Christopher J. Lonigan discusses the correlation between home environments and Latino children’s school readiness.  The study explores the correlation between home environments and the oral language, and social functioning. The study also compared parent’s influence via literacy involvement and perceived parenting stress.

School Readiness and Children of Color

The article titled, “The School-Readiness Gap and Preschool Benefits for Children of Color,” by Farah Z. Ahmad and Katie Hamm discusses the school readiness gap among children of color.  The research demonstrated that African American and Hispanic children ages 3 and 4 don’t attend preschool, in turn creating an achievement gap between children of color and their peers.  The study also mentioned how children that attend preschool achieve a better educational foundation and perform better at the start of kindergarten.

Future Research

Future research must take place, in order to better serve the Hispanic community, in regards to education.  Fortunately, organizations such as the Latino Literacy Project offer in person seminars and online webinars that help parents, teachers, and school officials prepare young Hispanic children for school.  Seminars and webinars cover topics such as parental involvement, reading tips, and resources to help their children succeed in school and beyond.

Find out more about The Latino Family Literacy Project’s Preschool and Kindergarten School Readiness program training, curriculum, and books published by Lectura Books.

Research on School Readiness with Hispanic Kids

Research on School Readiness with Hispanic Kids