Culturally Relevant Parent Involvement Programs in California

Culturally Relevant Parent Involvement Programs in California

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Culturally Relevant Parent Involvement Programs in California

Parent Involvement Programs are now required by the State of California as part of their Title III requirements, specifically to improve Parent Involvement at under performing schools, and to improve English language skills with English learners.

California is home to the largest Latino population in the country. Most schools in California have a parent center to make sure that parents are included in the LCAP decisions.

Many schools aim to provide a meaningful program that parents can relate to and will be engaged in wholeheartedly.   Culturally relevant parent programs are suggested by Title III for English Learners so that parents and kids can connect through the literature and activities for academic success.

The Latino Family Literacy Project™ can train your staff to provide the perfect Parent Involvement Program to meet the requirements for Title I and Title III programs, LCAP, and migrant programs for parent involvement.  

The Latino Family Literacy Project™ can provide you with a quote of what it would cost for Staff Development for program training, either at an in-person workshop or at your district location, the costs of the books and literacy materials, and shipping costs. We are there for you every step of the way and offer free support to trained providers.

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